Tourism in Azad Jammu and Kashmir - District Kotli

District Kotli
The area now comprising district Kotli was a sub-division of Mirpur district upto the year 1975. District Kotli is a hilly area rising gradually towards the high mountains of Poonch district. Its climate is more moderate than that of Mirpur due to the sub-mountainous topography.
District Kotli
District Kotli
Kotli, the district headquarter, is at a distance of 141 kilometers from Islamabad. It is linked with Mirpur by two metalled roads, one via Rajdhani and the other via Charhoi. It is also directly linked with Rawalpindi/Islamabad via Sensa, Holar and Kahuta. Kotli has all the basic facilities like bazaar, banks, hospital, colleges, telephone and telegraph office. A PWD rest house and Tourism rest house and a few middle standard hotels in the town provide accommodation facilities to the visitors. Tattapani (Sulphur water springs) are easily accessible from Kotli by 26 kilometers long fair-weather road which is presently being widened and black topped.
Teenda is a place of view point, linked with metalled road, 6 kilometers from Kotli. A rest house by Tourism Department is available for visitors.
Haji Abad
Haji Abad, located on Hollar Kotli road, is a midway point for the travelers coming from Rawalapindi/Islamabad. A cafeteria for refreshments has been provided by the Tourism Department.
Khoi Ratta
78 kilometers from Kotli ahead, a road leads to Khoi Ratta, at 2570 meters elevation from sea level. It provides remarkable attraction for the visitors. A rest house by tourism Department is available for tourist accommodation.
Khoi Ratta
Khoi Ratta
Haji Abad
Haji Abad, located on Hollar Kotli road, is a midway point for the travelers coming from Rawalapindi/Islamabad. A cafeteria for refreshments has been provided by the Tourism Department.